In addition harmful to the heart, eyes and kidneys,
hypertension can also affect some brain functions like memory and intelligence abilities. If left unchecked this condition will lead to more quickly dementia compared with individuals who are not hypertensive.
A doctorate from Tecjnische Universitat Munchen in Spain confirmed it. Nowadays increasingly people are experiencing destroy from mild to extreme brain functions compared with some decades ago. For example they now simpler to meet people senile though they was not yet elderly.
Research carried out by Etgen in lieu of focusing on the severity of the destroy to brain function because they saw the destroy minor or extreme brain functions are equally in danger in the long run. Although experienced mild brain destroy, can create in to dementia in the work of elderly age.
Decline in brain function by etgen in associate with modern lifestyles such as eating unhealthy
fatty foods, lack of exercise, lack of rest and lack of ability to manage stress. This unhealthy lifestyle can lead to hypertension.